Getting Through Disappointments In Life

Morning Devotion Sharing 12-10-2012:

Getting through disappointments in life (Rev Joyce)

Have you ever felt that there are times that you are very disappointed with God? How do you stop yourself from being disappointed? 

Most of the times, we are disappointed when things does not work according to our plan, or not receiving what we expected. But, we need to get through the disappointments, and you have the power to overcome disappointments in your life.

Before Jesus called Peter and the other fishermen to be his disciples, they are undergoing disappointments, which eventually led them to be devastated. They were hopeless because they did not catch any fish. To a fishermen, catching no fish means they have no income today, no food today, its something important. Sometimes, we are like Peter, we do what God wants us to do, walk what God wants us to be, but we caught nothing, we gained nothing.

Disappointments are deadly. They have the power to kill our passion, our faith and love for Christ. When we do not overcome the disappointments we had, we lost the strength to move on for Christ.

Isaiah 40:31 says to us that we need to wait upon the Lord. The key to renew our strength is to wait upon the Lord. When we wait, we wait with expectation. We dont wait blindly, we dont wait foolishly, we got to wait with the right hope and the right truth- that is God controls everything. We surrender everything into God's hands and let him be the one to control us, let him be the one to help us. Let God do everything and although things may not work the way we ask for, but God works everything for the good of us (Romans 8:28). So you got to believe and stand firm and carry the right expectation and faith.

God's promise to those who wait upon him is renewing of strength, giving you supernatural strength so that you can do all things through Christ inside of you. You may be disappointed now, but God may be doing something that you have not seen yet. Wait and be renewed and see how God does great things for you.

God bless !