Today's Bible Verse : 04-07-2011

Today's bible verse : Colossians 1 : 20
and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.
What usually pops out of your mind , when you come across with Jesus ' s death on the cross, and his victory of conquering the grave ? Occasionally , we thought that the death and the resurrection hope was a way to say that " our sins are forgiven through the blood of Jesus". I'm not trying to say that, this is wrong . That is correct, but not a full answer.

From Colossians 1 : 20 , we knew that Jesus purpose of coming to this world is not only to remove our sinful nature, rather to help us to reconcile with God. Removing our sinful ways are a step to make us closer to God.However, the most importantly that this reconciliation is for us to make a new covenant with God. The body of Jesus was the covenant , and through him , we are able to make a new covenant with the king of kings and Lord of Lords.

In the old testament, all man had sinned and turned its back against the law.We broke the covenant with God , thus we had to carry the penalty of our sinful actions. However, the covenant that was made by Jesus Christ , comprehends all the law in the old testament , and Jesus as our intercessor, intercess between God and us.

In the old testament, the covenant appeared as " God is our lord [or we can say our master]" . On the other hand, in the new testament, the covenant appeared as "God is our husband". Jesus accomplished the law, and made a new covenant with us, and this new covenant not only reconcile and enhance our relationship with Christ.

God bless you always,