Sunday Sermon: Do whatever that pleases God

Sermon of the week: Do whatever that pleases God
Speaker : Pastor Joyce , 30-04-2012

We should be like this baby , waiting patiently for our expectations to happen.
This week, we are learning how to carry the correct expectations, the expectations that God wanted us had.

Most of us are afraid to carry expectations because of the disappointment it may bring. We are convinced that " the higher your expectations are, the greater the disappointment it will bring ". 
Is God thinking the same way as we do ? No ! God gave us hope, and HE wants us to carry our expectations every day.

In Mark 14:3 onwards, it stated that Jesus was anointed by a woman called Mary , whom is the sister of Lazarus ( recorded in John ). However, the disciples were not pleased with what she done. Why ? Because they have different expectations.Perhaps that's what the disciples thinking  

One - In a conservative society, how can a woman anoint Jesus head ? In the old testament , the kings have their heads anointed by the priest before they became king. Mary isn't a priest, how can she anoint Jesus head.

Two- Pouring oil on Jesus head is a waste.

Three- If Mary loved Jesus, why don't she sell the oil and give to the poor so that our ministry can have good fame and we have sufficient funds to  support our ministry.

What are the disciples expecting ? They are expecting of a King , a true king to reign on Earth.

But what is Mary expecting ? After seeing how Jesus raised her brother from the dead ,she is expecting a savior , someone that can saved her eternity.

The disciples had the wrong expectation, thus they all fled when Jesus was arrested. 

We will be disappointed if we carry our own expectations or others expectations. First, no one can live by what we expect for. Two, we can't live what people expect from us.

The only way to not be disappointed is to have the right expectation , what God have for us. If your expectation is from God, then you should strongly believe that HE will not disappoint you.

Having the right expectation is only the first step to fulfillment. We need to wait patiently for it to fulfill. Waiting is also another lesson to learn too !

If you are waiting day by day for it to pass, you will feel that waiting is a torment. The correct way of waiting should be getting ready for it to happen. Don't think of how it will happen, think of God will make it happen. If you continuously believe and wait patiently , you will see how God fulfills your expectations.

What are you expecting ? Is it the right expectation ? Let us wait patiently for it to happen !

God bless !