Easter Sunday Sermon 2012

Repent And Be Ready For The Resurrection Of Our Lord
Speaker : Rev Yong Deung Ming

Key Verse : John 3 : 16

1. Resurrection Is a process from non-living to living, from perishable to non-perishable.
2. Resurrection is  like a seed and an egg. They were non-living things, but when they lay down their old self, they gained life.
3. Resurrection is not to live again . Because they still carried their old self and will die again eventually. (Eg: Elisha and the boy, Jairus Daughter and Lazarus )
4. Resurrection means to be born again, to made new. (Eg: Jesus’s resurrection )
5. From 1 Cor 15:42-49 , we can see a clearer contrast between the flesh / the old self and the new resurrected body.
6. What does Jesus resurrection means to us ? First, it proves that he is the son of God. There is no one before him has resurrected . Second , Jesus resurrection gives us a new life, so that whoever believe in him shall resurrect too !
7. How can we prepare ourselves before the resurrection? We repent and our lives should live according to our heart of repentance.