Prayer Meeting Sharing 09032012

Title : Enter Into His Chamber Pastor Joyce Yong 

Key Verse : Song of Songs 1 : 4

1. A Chamber is a room solely for the bride and the groom. Today the chamber represents the heart of Jesus. Jesus wishes to bring us into his heart, and know him.

2. Today, the Holy Spirit is acting as a leading role, leading us into the heart of Christ.

3. There are 3 relationships being described in the key verse : The Bride, The bridesmaid and the best man.

4. The Bride :  Wholly devote themselves and wholly love the Lord Jesus.

5. The Bridesmaid : Doubting to commit themselves 

6. The Best man : A life that can glorify God, needs not only to serve—a ministry, but also a relationship. Have we focused too much on our work and neglect our relationship with Christ?

7. How can we enter into the chamber ? First, we need to wait upon the Lord. The Lord is pleased to see us waiting for him. Second, we need to say “ I do ” to Jesus and lastly, we need to follow closely to the Lord’s footsteps..

8. After entering into the chamber, how can we prepare ourselves to meet our groom ? First, we need to be anointed by the Holy Spirit and we need to cleanse ourselves, to be ready to meet God in his holiness.

9. May we all enter into his chamber tonight, and know him more.