Sermon Of The Week : Receive Your Miracle Today ( 22-01-2012)

Sermon Of The Week : Receive Your Miracle Today
Speaker : Pastor Joyce Yong

In this coming new year, may God's divine miracles follow after you and throughout this year, may this year be a year of God wondrous miracles !

~ What is Miracles ? There are 3 aspects in defining Miracles
a) Miracle is the work of God, and cannot be done by man's ability and strength
b) Miracle is the will of God. In the Lord's prayer , it says " may your will be done on earth as it is in heaven". Miracle is God's will. Sometimes, we cant receive miracles in our life because we did not ask miracles according to God's will.

c) Miracle is the favor and grace of God. Miracle brings you to a higher position, it promotes you, not demoting you.

~ How do we receive Miracles ?
a) We need to have an encounter with God. When we experience God's faithfulness in minor things,our faith begin to increase which prompts us to begin to ask for greater things. Faith cannot be increased in one day, it needs a lot of practice to make it grow. Faith is also letting go ,and wholly relying on God. We cant experience God's miracle if we do not let go of ourselves and wholly clinging unto God.

b) Miracles happen through declaration. Miracles happen when we declare it because as we declare it, we are also proclaiming the power of God to make it happen.

Lastly, may we all come before God and receive your miracles today ! Today is a day of miracle,
God bless you !