感恩年宴 Annual Thanksgiving Dinner 2011


11月13日号,我们在乐天酒楼欢庆荣耀神事工的感恩年宴。真是非常感谢神,祂一路的保守我们,眷顾我们,更让我们在今年经历无数次神的恩典。当晚的年宴主题是“如鹰展翅上腾” 2011年,我们的主不断提升了我们的事工,神更藉着这个主题宣告了明年荣耀神事工将要大大的扩张与领受超越的祝福;不论在学业、事业各范围,都有神的祝福。奉主的名祝福大家也领受这展翅上腾的祝福。

Psalms 65 : 11: You crown the year with your bounty, and your carts overflow with abundance.

On the 13th November 2011, our annual thanksgiving dinner has ended with success . Praise to God for leading us throughout the year, and has been gracious to us. Our theme of that night was SOARING ON WINGS LIKE AN EAGLE . 2011 , God has continuously lifted our ministry into a higher realm, and God has proclaimed through our theme that in 2012 God is going to expand and receive a surpass blessings in school and in career and many other areas. In Jesus name, be blessed with the blessing of surpasses .

司会 MC : Pastor Joyce/ 恩慈传道

A shoot with table 1
A snapshot with table 2
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