国庆日晨祷会 National Day Morning Devotion

非常感恩, 因为这次的晨祷会已经圆满的落幕。这次的晨祷会与其他的晨祷会有异曲同工之处。这次的晨祷会是神要祝福国家和百姓的晨祷会。在当中,神的同在也临到我们的敬拜场所。在今天的晨祷会当中,我们由恩慈传道来为我们分享 ”圣灵复兴国家的12个工作”。 为了迎接这晨祷会,我们也特别预备了2011年为国家祷告手册,并会在稍后上载在部落格上。最后,素芳牧师也为有需要的弟兄姐妹进行医治释放。许多的弟兄姐妹亲眼见证神医治的大能在当中。我们在这里要非常谢谢大家的代祷和支持,希望大家有一个美好的国庆日。阿们!

Today it is a very thankful day, as our Merdeka morning devotion has ended with success. Today's  morning devotion is a service which allows God to bless our country , bless our people which is very different with our usual morning devotions.  During that time, God's presence has fall down into our worship centre. In today's morning devotion, Pastor Joyce shared with us " The 12 revival works of the Spirit in a nation " and we had also came with a 2011 praying for the nation prayer handbook which will be posted shortly. Shortly before we ended today's morning devotion, we had a prophetic healing ministry time, which is conducted by Rev Lau . Many brothers and sisters witnessed the healing power of God manifested amongst us.  Lastly, we would like to thank you for your prayer and your support, and we wish you all a Happy National Day, Amen !