Weekly Verses 17th January 2011

  • Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life. Philippians 2:14-16 New International Version
  • THOUGHTS ABOUT TODAY'S VERSE...Stars. They've always been a source of constant hope for God's people. "Your descendants will be like the stars," God told Abraham. "When I see the stars, what is man that you are mindful of him?" the Psalms ask. The Wisemen from the East followed a star to Jesus. Luke reminds us that Jesus was a bright star come to us from heaven to shine God's light to those in darkness. And now, we're stars. God's points of light in the dark sky of the universe. So let's make today a day where our light shines God's glory to a dark world around us.
  • MY PRAYER...Almighty God, the incredible expanse of your universe, with its billions of stars, exceeds my limited comprehension. But I thank you for calling me to be a light in the dark world around me and I pledge to shine your light today in the lives of all those I can. Through the name of the Bright and Morning Star I pray. Amen.
  • No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it. 1 Corinthians 10:13 New International Version
  • THOUGHTS ABOUT TODAY'S VERSE...TEMPTATION... We've all been there. Satan's silver bullet designed just for our heart. "No one will ever know, besides it won't hurt anybody!" some mysterious voice sounding like our own whispers inside our head. Even if those two statements were true, and they never really are, it would matter because something inside of us caved in to what we knew was wrong. One line of defense is to simply remind ourselves we are not alone in this temptation -- others have faced it and conquered it, so we can too, by God's help and the power of his Holy Spirit.
  • MY PRAYER...Most Holy Father, guard my heart from temptation and my life from sin. I want to serve you with wholehearted devotion. Forgive me for my past sin, and by your grace and through your word, strengthen me with your Holy Spirit so that I may overcome the temptations that Satan uses to separate me from you. Through my Protector and Redeemer I pray. Amen.
  • In everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the prophets. Matthew 7:12 New International Version THOUGHTS ABOUT TODAY'S VERSE...The Golden Rule -- golden because it's genuine, lasting, and valuable. Imagine how different our world would be if we practiced this principle -- not just in our "church life" but in our daily life with our family, with our coworkers and employer, with the people we manage, with the folks on the freeway and in the neighborhoods where we drive, toward the waiters and waitresses who serve us. What a wonderfully different world it would be if the Golden Rule were to be practiced. I think I'll start changing my world with it today! How about you?
  • MY PRAYER...Generous Father, you have blessed me with so many rich and wonderful gifts. I can never repay you. One thing I want you to know, dear Father, is that I especially appreciate the way you have treated me with grace and not with justice or judgment. Give me the power to do the same with the people my life touches this week. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
  • Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. James 1:2-3 New International Version
  • THOUGHTS ABOUT TODAY'S VERSE..."Hang in there!" There are few traits more important than perseverance. Most important accomplishments in life happen because of perseverance. Most luck occurs when we've perservered long enough for the "magical moment" to come along. Edison said it best, life's greatest feats, the world's greatest discoveries, his own most fantastic inventions were "1% inspiration and 99% perspiration." "Hang in there!" and see the glory of God come through in you!
  • MY PRAYER...Unchangeable and Unshakeable God, through the friends you have sent into my life and by the power of your gift, the Holy Spirit, help me to stand up under trial and prove my character true with perseverance when under fire. Give my faith courage and endurance so that my life shows forth your enduring strength. Through him who remained faithul unto death, I pray. Amen.

  • Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit will reap eternal life." Galatians 6:7-8New International Version
  • THOUGHTS ABOUT TODAY'S VERSE...Isn't it incredible how huge trees grow out of tiny seeds! This principle runs throughout all of life. We can never completely get away from the seeds we sow. So let's not fool ourselves while we're trying to do a "snow job" on God. Let's make sure the seeds we sow are the ones we want sprouting up!
  • MY PRAYER...O Eternal God, who lived before time began and who will be the Great I AM when time is no more, bless the seeds my life sows so they may bear fruit and bless those I love. Through Jesus, the grain of wheat who died and was buried so that life may flower forth. Amen.

  • "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened." Matthew 7:7-8New International Version
  • THOUGHTS ABOUT TODAY'S VERSE...Ask! So often we're afraid to ask for help because we have to admit we don't have the answers. Seek! Effort and interest and perseverance are necessary and that's sometimes hard. Knock! But God wants us to use the A.S.K. principle and bring our hearts before him. So let's not whine, complain, desire, and want. Let's A.S.K. our Father and seek his glory.
  • MY PRAYER...Waiting Father, I am sorry that so often you hear only my whines, complaints, and concerns. You have been so generous with your love. Help me to keep my heart set on you and your will today as I ask you to minister to the things on my heart. Through Jesus I pray. Amen.
  • If any of you lacks wisdom he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. James 1:5New International Version
  • THOUGHTS ABOUT TODAY'S VERSE...Wisdom is that illusive quality we respect in others and find so difficult to develop in ourselves. Yet God promises it to those who really ask. But remember the secret of ASKing -- asking, seeking, and knocking. Or better yet, check out Proverbs 2. Wisdom is ours only if we seek it above all other possessions and value it above all other diversions. God longs to impart it, but there is something about wisdom that demands we value it before we can receive it.
  • MY PRAYER...Gracious giver of all good gifts, please bless me with wisdom today. Let me reflect your will and live for your glory in all my decisions. Let your Kingdom guide my heart as I make my choices and have your Spirit lead me in your ways. I confess, Father, that I cannot guide my own steps without your help. So grant me wisdom this day. I pray in Jesus name. Amen.