Sermon 28-10-2012: God is doing great things ( Rev Joyce)

Sunday Sermon 28102012:        God is doing great things        Rev Joyce 

 Key Verse : Deuteronomy 11:7

1. Do you believe that God is great and he is doing great things in your life? By God’s grace, we are able to come to God and boldly ask him. There are 3 reasons we do not come to God and ask, one: God may not answer my demand, two: God may not give me what I want, three: God may not do according to my plan.

2. God is not an ATM machine. He has personality, principles and he is a LIVING god. When we realise who he is, we are able to see clearly how God accomplish his miracles in us.

3. To experience God’s power, we need to start of with prayer. Prayer should not only be build on our needs but should be build on God’s promises. You can pray like this, I believe I am favoured by God and he will fulfil what he has promised me __________________ for his favour is upon me.

4. Second step for experiencing God’s power is to bring a vessel before God. If you want to claim health promise, you need to bring your body before God, likewise for job promise and etc.

5. The last step for experiencing his power is to come with faith, not only our own faith for our faith is small and weak. We should come before Christ with a Christ-centred faith . By doing so, you are ready to witness God’s great things in your life .