Morning Devotion Message 13042012

Title: The Lord is my shepherd
Speaker : Pastor Joyce Yong
Key Verse : Psalms 23
· One of the relationships we had with Jesus is “ Jesus as our shepherd”. Let us learn more about this shepherd through Psalms 23.
· Verse 1: When we let Lord as our shepherd to guide our life , he promised that we shall not be in want. We shall not lack of anything. Can you think of anything that you are lacking with right now ? Grab onto his promise.
· Verse 2 : When Jesus enters into our lives, he gives us peace over troubles , over circumstances. When we have Jesus in us, we have peace in us too !
· Verse 3 : Only Jesus knows best what is right or wrong. When he became our shepherd, he will set our foot to the right path—path of blessings and holiness.
· Verse 4 : Consolation. God is one who consoles his people . When we are in bad situation, we need not to be afraid for he is with us. When we are hurt, do not be afraid, for he will consoles us.
· Verse 5 : My cup overflows. God does not fill our lives with fear , with pain , with sorrow. Instead, he fill us with blessings, with his power and with his love. Are you been filled with his power and blessings ? Can you feel his love today?
· Verse 6 : Surely all of my days goodness and love follows . All of our days are in the hands of God. He promised, under his care, all of our days , God’s goodness , faithfulness , love shall follow us . And most important of all, we shall live in the house of God. God will not abandon you, he does not lead you and guide you only, he promised that you shall be with him forever– he will neither forsake you nor leave you. Are you willing to let Jesus be your shepherd today ?