Daily Devotion : Jan 29th 2011

Sitting down, Jesus called the twelve and said, "If anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all." Mark 9:35

New International Version

THOUGHTS ABOUT TODAY'S VERSE...Last? Nobody likes to be last. We have a hard enough time settling for second place, much less last place. Jesus reverses the rank. The person who is most important to him is not the person seeking the status and notoriety. The most important person is like Jesus himself: willing to give up rank and status and importance to serve. For Jesus, last means first in service and first in the eyes of God.

MY PRAYER...Magnificent God my Savior, you have made the world wonderful for me and have given your Son to redeem me. How can I ever thank you or repay you for your grace and kindness. Today help me see those you want me to serve with grace and kindness as I try to be more like you. This I pray in the name of the one who washed his disciples' feet. Amen.